Tuesday, May 6, 2008


So I figured I'd get back to posting on the Ol' Stoopidfish, and this is pretty much the drawing I've been doing lately. This one was planning for a pose that communicated "Devastation" - There it is, folks.


Kirstin said...

Great work. Four is a little hard to read. I like 3, 9, and 11.

Sodano said...

I think these are really good, and read well --- but read more as dread, I dont really see devastation in them. To me, I'd think devastation would be very intense poses with lots of energy, things like screaming and stuff. I guess I'd say like poses 3 and 8 read more as devastation to me, and poses 2 and 5 do not at all. I guess its all how u translate though :P

CP said...

I'm with dominic on this one, push it farther.

CP said...
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